"We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care about what you think. Words are secondary. Thoughts live; they travel far."

As Swami Vivekananda said, thoughts will travel, My thoughts will travel through this blog and reach you..

NAGARJUNASAGAR DAM &Ethipothala Waterfalls

The Nagarjuna Sagar Project has come up in Andhra
 Pradesh  on  the river Krishna, near Nandi Konda
 village, 144 kms from Hyderabad. The dam has 
3414 metres long dykes on both sides. There are two
 canals  on each side of the dam,  irrigating 8.64 lakh
 hectares of agricultural land.  Canals on right side
 and  left side are 204 and 179 kilometres long 
respectively. By adopting modern technology many
 ancient temples were dismantled and  reconstructed
 by stone at new site. 

Front view

Ethipothala Waterfalls is among the rising tourist
 attractions in  Andhra Pradesh. Apart form the locales, 
 it was not very famous  among outside people till recently.
 But now it is frequently visited  by foreigners. Nestling
 amid lush green surroundings,  Ethipothala Waterfall is
 situated around 11 Km from Nagarjunasagar.  The 70 feet
 waterfall cascading from Chandravanka hills is close to
 many Buddhist sites which attracts more people to this
 region.  The stream of water joins a lagoon nearby.
 This site is used for  breeding of crocodiles and you can 
easily site a crocodile just lying  on the banks. Ethipothala
 Waterfall is also a great place for mild  trekking and camping
 along with refreshing nature sightseeing.

Land Scapes

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